


  One of the most common English expressions that captures the essence of “翻脸不认人” is “turn one’s back on someone.” This phrase implies a sudden and complete rejection of a person, often after a period of closeness or friendship. For example, if someone says, “He turned his back on me after all we’ve been through,” it means that the person abandoned or betrayed the speaker, disregarding their shared history.

  Another useful expression is “abandon someone in their time of need.” This phrase highlights the element of betrayal and lack of support when it is most needed. It conveys the idea that the person not only rejected the other but did so at a critical moment, exacerbating the sense of betrayal.

  “Go back on one’s word” is another expression that can be used to describe the behavior of someone who suddenly changes their attitude. This phrase specifically refers to breaking promises or commitments, which is often a part of the “翻脸不认人” scenario. For instance, if someone promises to help you and then suddenly refuses, you could say, “He went back on his word.”

  In addition to these phrases, there are several idiomatic expressions that capture the essence of “翻脸不认人.” “Cut someone off” is one such expression, which means to suddenly and completely end a relationship or communication with someone. This can be particularly relevant when describing a situation where someone abruptly severs ties without any warning.

  “Blow someone off” is another idiomatic expression that can be used in this context. It implies disregarding or ignoring someone, often in a dismissive manner. For example, if someone you thought was a friend suddenly starts ignoring your calls and messages, you might say, “He blew me off.”

  To further illustrate these expressions, let’s consider a few hypothetical scenarios. Imagine a business partnership where two individuals have worked closely for years, building a strong professional and personal relationship. However, when a lucrative opportunity arises, one partner decides to take it alone, completely excluding the other. In this case, you could say, “He turned his back on his long-time partner,” or “He abandoned his partner in their time of need.”

  In another scenario, suppose a friend promises to help you move to a new apartment but cancels at the last minute, leaving you in a difficult situation. Here, you might use the expression, “He went back on his word,” to describe the friend’s actions.

  It’s important to note that while these English expressions can convey the general idea of “翻脸不认人,” they may not capture the full emotional weight and cultural nuances of the original Chinese成语. The concept of “face” (面子) in Chinese culture, for example, adds an additional layer of complexity to the meaning of “翻脸不认人.” In many cases, the sudden change in attitude is not just a personal betrayal but also a loss of face for both parties involved.

  To address this cultural aspect, you might need to provide additional context when using these English expressions. For instance, you could say, “He not only turned his back on me but also caused me to lose face in front of our colleagues,” to convey the full impact of the betrayal.

  In conclusion, while there is no direct English equivalent to the Chinese成语“翻脸不认人,” several expressions can effectively convey the essence of this behavior. “Turn one’s back on someone,” “abandon someone in their time of need,” “go back on one’s word,” “cut someone off,” and “blow someone off” are all useful phrases that can be employed depending on the specific context. By understanding the core meaning of the成语 and the cultural nuances involved, you can choose the most appropriate expression to describe this complex interpersonal dynamic in English.

  In the end, the ability to accurately convey the sentiment of “翻脸不认人” in English not only enhances communication but also fosters a deeper understanding of the human experience across different cultures. Whether in personal relationships or professional settings, recognizing and describing such behaviors can help us navigate the complexities of human interaction more effectively.

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