


  首先,让我们从最常见的表达方式开始。在英语中,"negative impact"是最直接的表达“负面影响”的短语。它可以用于描述各种情况,如环境、经济、社会等方面。例如:

  • "The pollution has a negative impact on the health of the local residents."
  • "The new policy had a negative impact on the company’s profits."


  1.   Adverse effect: 这个短语侧重于描述某种事物对另一事物的有害影响。

    • "The strong wind had an adverse effect on the crops."
    • "The noise pollution has an adverse effect on the quality of life in the neighborhood."
  2.   Detrimental effect: 这个短语比 "adverse effect" 更强烈,表示某种事物对另一事物的严重损害。

    • "The excessive use of chemicals can have a detrimental effect on the environment."
    • "Smoking has a detrimental effect on one’s health."
  3.   Harmful influence: 这个短语侧重于描述某种行为或事物对另一事物的有害影响。

    • "The violent video games have a harmful influence on children."
    • "The spread of misinformation can have a harmful influence on public opinion."
  4.   Negative consequence: 这个短语强调某种行为或事物导致的负面结果。

    • "The decision to delay the project had negative consequences for the company."
    • "The lack of exercise can lead to negative consequences for one’s health."
  5.   Disadvantageous effect: 这个短语用于描述某种事物对另一事物的不利影响。

    • "The high cost of living has a disadvantageous effect on the standard of living."
    • "The new regulations have a disadvantageous effect on small businesses."

  除了以上这些短语,还有一些其他相关的表达方式,如 "harmful impact"、"ill effects"、"detrimental influence" 等。这些短语在不同的语境中都有其特定的用法和含义。


  • "The company’s decision to outsource its production has had a negative impact on local jobs."
  • "The excessive use of pesticides can have adverse effects on the environment."
  • "The new policy has had a detrimental effect on the education system."
  • "The lack of sleep can have harmful influences on one’s mental health."
  • "The high crime rate has had negative consequences for the community."




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